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Dental Implant

Implants are the best and most modern mode of treatment to replace missing teeth.




Operation Duration

5-7 DAYS

Recovery Duration


Follow-Up Visit

Dental Treatments Before & After

Implants are the best and most modern mode of treatment to replace missing teeth. Today, dental implants can be placed more easily, quickly and in a pain-free mode owing to the newly introduced technological material.

The implants are placed on the jaw bone to be in harmony with the bone and gingiva in a fashion compatible with the jaw closure. The implant and porcelain tooth will look the same as the patient’s original tooth.

Today, dental implants can be placed more easily, quickly and in a pain-free mode owing to the newly introduced technological material.

With the new materials applied on the titanium base, the implants currently adhere to the jawbone more quickly, allowing the prosthetic teeth to be attached onto the implant shortly after the former procedure.

In recent years, the success of dental implants has been elevated to 99% thanks to the so-called SLA Active surface on implants.

Stages of Implant Treatment

1- Planning: The architecture, abundancy, and the quality of bone; as well as the anatomical structure of the region, are examined by radiological imaging and an intra-oral physical examination.

2- Implant surgery: Implant sockets are prepared by surgery at the designated jawbone site and then the implants are placed. The area over the placed implants are sutured and closed.

3- Healing Period: Depending on the type, the sutures are either absorbed or they are removed at the end of one week after the procedure. During this period, oral hygiene should be well maintained and use of mouth rinse is recommended to prevent the bacteria colonization over the sutures.

4- Fabrication of Prostheses: The cover screws placed on the implants are unscrewed at the end of the healing period and measurements are made in the same session. Porcelain teeth can be implemented in a time frame as short as 1 week – 10 days.

Is Implant Surgery Painful?

Implant surgery is a painless procedure, which is usually performed while the patient is under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Although the severity of pain increases as the effect of anesthesia diminishes, it varies from one patient to the other. However, the severity of pain is definitely not unbearable.

With the painkillers given by your dentist, you will have a painless healing process and you will recover quickly. People, undergoing implant surgery, usually report that they have used 1 or 2 painkillers for the first two days but they have not needed them further in the following days.

After The Implant Surgery

After the implant surgery, following your dentist’s advice will allow a quick healing process.

When performing dental care after the operation, you should exercise care and take care of the wound site. Applying cold compresses on your cheek for 10 minutes will reduce swelling and may even prevent its emergence. Please note that smoking will delay wound healing.

To prevent infections that may potentially develop after the implant surgery, you should receive the antibiotic treatment prescribed by your dentist. Painkillers can be used to relieve the pain.

Be careful not to vigorously rinse your mouth or spit for the first 2 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth or bridges.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last many years, often for a lifetime.

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, so patients experience minimal discomfort. Any post-surgery pain can generally be managed with prescribed painkillers.

The initial healing period typically takes a few weeks, but full integration with the jawbone can take several months. Most patients return to normal activities within a week or two.

Most people with good oral and general health are candidates for dental implants. However, individuals with certain health conditions or inadequate bone density may need additional treatments to qualify.