Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction (Body Sculpting)

Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction is a 3-dimensional liposculpture. It is performed to reshape the body similar to sculpting. Vaser hi-def procedure is more commonly performed in normal-weight individuals having a firm and athletic body.

Individuals may not accomplish the desired body contours even though they regularly perform workouts to have a more muscular and attractive appearance. Vaser hi-def liposuction is commonly preferred by women and men, who would like to have a more prominent muscular body architecture.

Vaser Hi-Def Can Be Performed In The Following Body Regions:

Both men and women can benefit from the procedure. Vaser hi-def procedure is mostly produced in the arms, abdomen, and the waist. Also, back of the person and the legs can be included in the areas, where the procedure can be performed.

Men usually benefit from the procedure, accomplishing a more muscular appearance in the chest, waist, abdomen, and legs. Since the procedure aims to accomplish a more prominent muscular appearance, it is mostly performed in the trained and already muscular body areas of the body. Although it is rare, it can be performed in the other parts of the body, for example, the shoulders.

How Is Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction Performed?

Before the intervention, a physical examination is performed to identify and mark the areas of excess fat deposition in the body. At the same time, the areas of intervention are selected and marked. A solution is applied to the skin to isolate the fat deposits under the skin.

Then, the fat deposits in the area of intervention are broken down, using ultrasonic probes. The liquefied fat is removed and then transferred to the selected parts of the body by injections. This way, the desired muscular appearance of the body is obtained.

Since the fat is liquefied before the removal, any wavy or rough appearance in the area of intervention is prevented. It is not possible for the patient to feel any pain during this procedure because the area to be treated  is anesthetized locally or the patient is sedated before the procedure.

What are the characteristics of the recovery process?

The recovery process after Vaser hi-def liposculpture is very comfortable for the patient. The patient should rest at home for approximately one week. He or she should not neglect resting but may engage in light daily activities.

Advantages of Vaser Hi-Def

This method is one of the newest techniques developed to shape the body. The advantages of the technique include that there is no need to make incisions to reshape the body.

In this respect, it allows the users to enjoy a safe technique. The removed fat deposits can be used for fat injection into various parts of the body. Therefore, the patient can undergo both vaser hi-def and fat filling procedures in the same session. The procedure gives the patient the chance of getting rid of the unaesthetic appearance of some body parts in a single session after a long period of putting up with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Vaser hi-def liposuction be performed on several different sites in the same session?

Of course, several different regions are treated in a single session.


Of course, several different regions are treated in a single session.

Can fat removed by Vaser hi-def liposculpture be used for breast augmentation?

Yes. The fat removed during the procedure can be injected for breast or butt augmentation.

Is the purpose of the Vaser hi-def procedure to lose weight?

This procedure is employed not to help the individual to lose weight but rather it is performed to reshape his/her body.

Does Vaser hi-def procedure cause allergy?

As the individual’s body fat is used for the transfer, there is no risk of allergic reactions.

Does Vaser hi-def liposculpture cause pain?

A very mild degree of pain may occur but it can be relieved with painkillers.

Is Vaser hi-def liposculpture safe?

The procedure has received approval from the FDA and it is safe.

Is Vaser hi-def procedure associated with any side effects?

No, it has not been associated with any side effects.

Does Vaser hi-def leave any scar marks?

This procedure does not need any incisions to be made on the body; therefore, it is not possible to end in having scar marks.

Will the outcomes be permanent after the Vaser hi-def liposculpture?

Yes. As long as no excessive weight gain occurs, the results will be permanent.

How much weight gain will impair the results of Vaser hi-def liposculpture?

A weight gain of 10 kilos or more will impair the sculptured body shape achieved by the procedure.

What's the right time for Vaser hi-def?

It is a procedure that can be performed in any season of the year.

Can Vaser hi-def be combined with other procedures?

The procedure can be combined with fat injection, breast lift, and several others.

Can the individuals who underwent liposuction previously undergo this intervention?

A previous liposuction procedure will not be a drawback.

Who will opt for the body shape to be resculptured with the Vaser hi-def method?

It will be determined by the patient and the physician together. Patient demands are prioritized.

Is waist slimming possible with Vaser hi-def?

Yes, it is a procedure, which can slim down your waistline.

Can Vaser hi-def be repeated?

It is a repeatable procedure but this is often unnecessary.

Does Vaser hi-def disturb the athletic appeance?

No. On the contrary, it is a procedure employed to give a more athletic appearance.